Approximately 20% of all adults will experience varicose veins in their lifetime. The risk of getting varicose veins increases as you get older and they are more common in women than men.

What are varicose veins?
Varicose veins are enlarged and twisted veins swollen with blood. They are most commonly found on calves and inner legs. They appear as prominent bluish-purple or reddish veins and are often painful. Sometimes, painless, superficial, dilated capillaries called Spider Veins appear. They are often found around varicose veins.

Identifying varicose veins
When the one-way valves in your veins malfunction, the blood in your legs stagnates. This leads your veins to swell with the excess blood. The increased pressure continuously experienced by the veins causes bulging. These bulged veins are varicose veins. They are mostly found on legs as the greatest pressure is felt while walking/standing upright.

Symptoms may include:
• Bluish-purple/red veins
• Spider veins (also known as Telangiectasia)
• Swollen ankles (particularly in the evenings)
• Redness, dryness, and itchiness
• Painful leg cramps
• Heaviness and aches in your legs

Most likely causes are:
• Sedentary lifestyles
• Lack of exercise
• Standing for too long
• Family history
• Pregnancy
• Obesity

While there is no way to completely cure varicose veins except by surgery, there are ways to prevent them. Lower your risk of getting varicose veins by improving your blood circulation.

Some useful tips to prevent varicose veins:
• Exercise
• Follow a high-fibre, low-salt, diet
• Elevate your legs
• Don’t overexert your legs by standing/walking for too long

For a lot of us, a sedentary lifestyle isn’t a choice. Work may need us to be seated in front of a screen for several hours at a stretch. Devices like the SitWalker can help increase reverse blood circulation, thereby reducing the risk of varicose veins in the long run.

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